Always on hand

Commis­sio­ning and maintenance

DSM accom­pa­nies you throug­hout the entire lifecycle of your products. Regard­less of whether this is an initial commis­sio­ning, exten­sion or conver­sion — we take care of the perfect integra­tion of DSM products into your opera­tions on site for you.

National and inter­na­tional — always on hand for our customers.

Experi­enced DSM specia­lists support you when starting up your system, during the process speci­fi­ca­tion and training of your employees.

Perfect processes — we analyse, repair and optimize them.

If the occasion arises, we will provide unbureau­cratic help with resto­ring flawless opera­tion in no time at all.

Service der DSM