
News from the industry

In our news blog we provide you with infor­ma­tion on a wide variety of topics from the industry.

We also use this section to share interes­ting newsannounce­ments and announce­ments from the company with you.

Mobile calibra­tion test bench

Mobile calibra­tion test bench

#Mobile calibra­tion test bench Precise calibra­tion of hand-held nutrun­ners andbuilt-in nutrun­ners — maximum flexi­bi­lity with ourmo­bile test bench!Our robust calibra­tion test bench offers the perfect solution for the precise testing and calibra­tion of nutrun­ners with a…

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Thread testing

Thread testing

#Thread testing Accurate thread testing is becomin­gin­cre­asingly important in series production.Our thread testing techno­logy is built upon the MultiPro 3G control system and is speci­fi­cally designed for automated testing of both internal and external threads using…

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automa­tica 2023

automa­tica 2023

TRADE FAIR LET‘S GET READY!automatica 2023 – see you!… our team will be in Munich from 27 — 30 June 2023 to present you interes­ting solutions with innova­tive DSM techno­logy for your appli­ca­tions and tasks. Visit us in person and request your free…

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Motek 2022

TRADE FAIR 40 years of DSM and 40th Motek – what an anniver­sary!… a good reason to visit us at our booth at the inter­na­tional trade fair for produc­tion and assembly automa­tion in Stutt­gart, Germany. Our team will be there from 04 — 07 October 2022…

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40 Years DSM!

40 Years DSM!

ANNIVERSARY 40 Years DSM!Our company was founded by Raimund Wilhelm in April 1982 and is celebra­ting its 40th anniver­sary this year – we are proud of that.A huge thank you goes to our employees, who make a great contri­bu­tion to the success of DSM…

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Motek 2021

Trade fair DSM in RealLife at Motek 2021…come to Stutt­gart for the inter­na­tional trade fair Motek, which takes place from 05 — 08 October 2021. Meet our technical sales staff in Hall 3 / Booth 3324, they will present you interes­ting solutions with…

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