Precision techno­logy

Scope of service

DSM is an expert in the manufac­ture and imple­men­ta­tion of precision techno­logy for first-class assembly processes.

Below you will find a brief overview of our range of services.

Control systems


The right control system for each assembly process. DSM control systems and software are suitable for tightening and press-in tasks — the same opera­ting concept.

DSM control systems are modularly designed and combine control electro­nics and a servo control in one housing.

By combi­ning intui­tive user friend­li­ness and a modular hardware and software concept, the MultiPro 3G has created a future-oriented basis in order to overcome the current requi­re­ments in tightening and press-in technique.

Equipped with a variety of functions, the scope of services of the MultiPro 3G can be indivi­du­ally tailored.

DSM imple­ments special process-specific tasks in a customer-focussed and profes­sio­nally-skilled manner — a newly generated function can be easily integrated into the control system as an Add-on.




The requi­re­ments placed on a nutrunner are diverse. The DS series offers you products which are speci­ally confi­gured for your applications.

In the right size, with the correct torque, in the required precision, with the appro­priate attach­ment. Thanks to in-house produc­tion, indivi­dual adjus­t­ments can also be made.

The data trans­mis­sion is performed digitally for nutrun­ners from the DS series.

The benefit: The nutrunner features an indepen­dent distri­buted intel­li­gence and only one connec­ting cable is needed in the power classes up to 60 Nm.

Another striking detail is the light units on the nutrunner which indicate the tightening status.



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The right press-in unit for press, joining and forming tasks. With the QMP and SMP series, DSM offers you joint units which are speci­ally confi­gured for your applications.

In the right size, with the correct force, in the required precision, with an appro­priate joining stroke.

In the field of electro­me­cha­nical press-in units, DSM covers a force range of 50 N to 120,000 N.

In line with requi­re­ments, we equip the press-in unit with a greater stroke, return stop or electro­me­cha­nical brake.

Thanks to in-house produc­tion, customer-specific designs are possible.

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