Control systems

MultiPro 3G

Modern high-end control system for hand-held nutrun­ners and
built-in nutrun­ners of the DS series in execu­tion MDW and SA as well as for all press-in units of the QMP / SMP and XMP series.

DSM breaks new ground with the MultiPro 3G.
Because in addition to the hardware exten­sions, it is above all the scalable firmware that deter­mines the scope of perfor­mance of the control system. For this purpose, a licence manage­ment system was embedded in the firmware architecture.

The active firmware (tighten or press-in) is already equipped with a large number of basic functions, but can be tailored to the custo­mer’s needs or process requi­re­ments by means of the exten­sion level, the tool licences and the function exten­sions.

MultiPro 3G

MultiPro 3G

Equipped with a touch colour display, the control system offers a simple menu struc­ture with intui­tive, intern­ally recog­nised symbols, which helps the user to make the right menu selec­tion quickly.

  • 5.7 inch touch colour display, resolu­tion 320 x 240 pixels, TFT 262k colours
  • Graphic display of measured values with zoom function
  • 12 status LEDs for status indicator
  • Function keys, naviga­tion keys, and alpha­nu­meric keyboard
  • Traceable calibra­tion
  • Programming and parame­ter­i­sa­tion directly on the device or via MPEC software
  • Freely programmable processes
  • Single step mode (test of the programme sequence)
  • Automatic self-test of the control system and connected DSM tool
  • Automatic calibra­tion test of the measured value sensor
  • Ring storage, result storage can be viewed on the device
  • Measu­re­ment results of all stages can be stored
  • Error memory as well as statis­tics memory for each station
  • External memory (backup and produc­tion memory) via USB memory stick (option)
  • TCP/IP module integrated – commu­ni­ca­tion via LAN with the MPEC software
  • System bus inter­face – connec­tion of system bus devices (access­ories) as well as for networ­king MultiPro 3G control systems.

Hardware exten­sions

  • Profinet module for integra­tion into the fieldbus system
  • EtherCAT module for integra­tion into the fieldbus system
  • Profibus module for integra­tion into the fieldbus system
  • Measu­re­ment module for the connec­tion of external sensors
  • IPC/Gateway module for use as OPC UA server, worker guidance, web server …
  • BT module for connec­tion with a Bluetooth®-enabled device
  • WLAN module for integra­ting the MultiPro 3G into a WLAN network or for using the MultiPro 3G as a WLAN access point
  • USB memory stick Indus­trial Grade SLC for use as backup and produc­tion storage

Exten­sion level

Flexible in price and perfor­mance with the DSM licence model
… only as much as you actually need.

  • Exten­sion level S (Small) – Programming only on the PC via the MPEC software, 16 startable programs, Measured data storage for 50 data sets (ring buffer), Graphics memory for 5000 measu­ring points per graphic curve
  • Exten­sion level M (Medium) – Programming only on the PC via the MPEC software, 64 startable programs, Measured data storage for 500 data sets (ring buffer), Graphics memory for 10000 measu­ring points per graphic curve
  • Exten­sion level L (Large) – Program­mie­rung direkt am Gerät oder am PC über die MPEC-Software, 128 startable programs, Measured data storage for 1000 data sets (ring buffer), Graphics memory for 20000 measu­ring points per graphic curve

The indivi­dual features of the expan­sion stage can also be activated at a later date by means of indivi­dual licences. For example, it is possible to imple­ment the feature “Programming on the unit (licence for programme editing)” into the expan­sion stage S.

Tool licence(s)

Flexible in price and perfor­mance with the DSM licence model
… only as much as you actually need.

  • Sensor controlled MDW – Use of the MultiPro 3G with
    MDW nutrun­ners (direct torque measurement)
  • Current controlled SA – Use of the MultiPro 3G with
    SA nutrun­ners (indirect torque measurement)
  • Sensor controlled FL – Use of the MultiPro 3G with
    force / stroke controlled press-in units

Function exten­sions

Flexible in price and perfor­mance with the DSM licence model
… only as much as you actually need.

  • Result selec­tion – With the result selec­tion you specify the result values for the evalua­tion of the process. This will evaluate the result relevant to your process.
  • Unit adjus­table – The unit of torque / force can be set.
  • Filter – DSM filter functions for blending out high-frequency (unwanted) inter­fe­rences of the measu­ring signal.
  • Gradient detec­tion – Function for detec­tion of a defined gradient, detects positive as well as negative peaks and their quantity.
  • Direct control via fieldbus – Controls the DSM tool by the speci­fi­ca­tions in the dynamic fieldbus protocol via fieldbus with the PLC.
  • Cyclic values via fieldbus – The measured values selected in the dynamic fieldbus are trans­mitted cycli­cally to the fieldbus in real time.
  • Parameter via fieldbus (dynamic) – Defined parame­ters of a stage can be tempo­r­a­rily modified at runtime via the fieldbus.
  • Parameter via fieldbus (static) – Defined parame­ters of a stage can be perma­nently modified via the field bus.
  • Correc­tion factor MD / F – The correc­tion factor serves to matching the torque / force.
  • Envelope – Additional evalua­tion element for control of the process. The measu­ring curve may not break the upper and/or lower envelope.
  • Linea­ri­sa­tion MD – Linea­ri­sa­tion / multi-range calibra­tion Torque with higher accuracy requi­re­ments for specific torque points.
  • Linea­ri­sa­tion WI – Linea­ri­sa­tion / multi-range calibra­tion Rotation angle to compen­sate for occur­ring torsional losses.
  • Yield strength proce­dure – Tighten until the defined switch-off gradient is reached.
  • Head contact – Tighten to head contact with the speci­ally developed DSM algorithm for head contact detec­tion for self-forming / self-tapping tightening processes.
  • Thread entry detec­tion – Rotation against the screw-in direc­tion – detec­tion of the jump of thread entry into the first thread by using a length measu­ring sensor.
  • Turn in to external sensor – Tightening until a defined external target value is reached with monito­ring of torque and angle of rotation.
  • Turn and hold – After switch-off, the torque or the position (angle of rotation) measured at this time is held for a defined period of time.
  • Linea­ri­sa­tion F – Linea­ri­sa­tion / multi-range calibra­tion Force with higher accuracy requi­re­ments for specific force points.
  • Linea­ri­sa­tion L – Linea­ri­sa­tion / multi-range calibra­tion Length (stroke) for compen­sa­tion of load-depen­dent deflection.
  • Press and hold – After switch-off, the force or the position (length) measured at this time is held for a defined period of time.
  • Move to external sensor – Press-in until a defined external target value is reached with monito­ring of force and length. For example for the direct and high-precision measu­re­ment on the compo­nent with an external length sensor; measures the actual stroke (relative height), regard­less of influences such as bending, diffe­rent heights or tolerances on the tool carrier.
  • Move to gradient – Move until the defined switch-off gradient [kN/ms] is reached – display of the gradient curve with the second Y axis. Control of force and length.
  • Review window – The function can be used to generate a window within a proce­dure, which is defined by means of a start and end value and evaluated retrospectively.


  • Multi­Visio – MultiPro 3G remote display (Android app).
  • IO exten­sion – exten­sion of the inputs and outputs.
  • IO expander – for comfor­table connec­tion of components.
  • QS Box – connec­tion of external sensors to the MultiPro 3G.
  • ToolCon­trol – tool manage­ment, monito­ring of tool removal.
  • Handling system / position electro­nics – for monito­ring XYZ coordi­nates, the position sequence.
  • Status indica­tion – external status display, optio­nally with start button, programme presel­ec­tion, NOK key switch.
  • DCM exten­sion – for control­ling an external DC motor.

Basic modules

MultiPro 3G

The basic module supplies the MultiPro 3G control module and the connected DSM tool (nutrunner / press-in unit).
In addition the basic module regulates and monitors the drive and controls the voltage and status of the hall sensor as well as the tempe­ra­ture, current and voltage of the servomotor.

The basic module is divided into diffe­rent types due to the diffe­rent perfor­mance requi­re­ments and is assigned to the DSM tools in a fixed manner. The unit with the safety function STO (Safe Torque Off) is ready for integra­tion into a customer‘s protec­tion concept.

Always switch off safely – we equipp our press-in systems with basic modules in STO design as standard in accordance with the norm DIN EN ISO 13849.

Flexible in appli­ca­tion – the modular system concept not only allows to change the control module (e.g. upgrade to MultiPro 3G), but also allows the basic module to be replaced when process condi­tions change.

BM‑S series executions

Basic module BM-S‑1 / Basic module BM-S-1-STO
for DSH 26 /005; DS 26 /005

Basic module BM-S‑2 / Basic module BM-S-2-STO
for DSH 26 /01/02/04; DS 26 /01/02/04

Basic module BM-S‑5
for DSH 16 /0025/005

Mains voltage 230 VAC
W x H X D (without STO) 201 x 279,5 x 128 mm
W x H X D (with STO) 201 x 279,5 x 231 mm
Weight approx. 5 kg

BM‑L series executions

Basic module BM-L‑1 / Basic module BM-L-1-STO
for DS 34 /025/05

Basic module BM-L‑3 / Basic module BM-L-3-STO
for DS 44 /025/05/10/20; SMP 300 /005/01/02

Basic module BM-L‑4 / Basic module BM-L-4-STO
for DSH 34 /05/10/20; DS 34 /10/15; DSH 38 /05/10/15; DSH 44 /20/30/40/60

Basic module BM-L‑5 / Basic module BM-L-5-STO
for DS 44 /35

Mains voltage 230 VAC
W x H X D 201 x 279,5 x 231 mm
Max. weight approx. 14 kg

BM‑H series executions

Basic module BM-H-2-STO
for SMP 400 /05/10

Basic module BM-H‑4 / Basic module BM-H-4-STO
for DS 57 /25/50/70/90/140

Basic module BM-H-5-STO
for XMP 90 /05/12,5/25; QMP 80 /025/05/10/20/25

Mains voltage 230 VAC
W x H X D 201 x 279,5 x 231 mm
Weight approx. 8 kg

BM‑V series executions

Basic module BM-V‑4 / Basic module BM-V-4-STO
for DS 80 /220/300/420/500/600; DS 80–130 /900/1000/1500/2000/2400

Basic module BM-V-5-STO
for QMP 100 /30/40/50/60; QMP 140 /70/100/120; SMP 500 /20/30/50/70

Basic module BM-V-7-STO
for XMP 120 /50/75; XMP 300 /250/500

Mains voltage 400 VAC
W x H x D 201 x 279,5 x 231 mm
Weight approx. 8,5 kg