Legal infor­ma­tion

Details accor­ding to § 5 of German Teleser­vices Act:
DSM Messtechnik GmbH
Diesel­straße 16
73431 Aalen, Germany

Tel. +49 (0) 7361 5717 0
Fax +49 (0) 7361 5717 33

Sales tax identi­fi­ca­tion number
accor­ding to §27 a Value Added Tax Act:


Repre­sented by:
Ms. Marga­rete Wilhelm (CEO)
Mr. Florian Wilhelm (CEO)

Register entry:
Entry in commer­cial register:
Register court: Amtsge­richt Ulm
Register number: HRB 500431


CC0 1.0 Univer­sell (CC0 1.0)


Dispute settle­ment
We are not prepared or obligated to parti­ci­pate in any dispute settle­ment procee­dings prior to a consumer arbitra­tion board.

Liabi­lity for content
As a service provider, we are respon­sible for our own content on these pages accor­ding the general laws and to § 7 Sect.1 of the German Teleser­vices Act . Accor­ding to §§ 8 to 10 of the German Teleser­vices Act, as a service provider we are not obligated to monitor or in some instances research trans­mitted or saved third-party infor­ma­tion, which suggests an illegal activity. Obliga­tions to remove or block the use of infor­ma­tion remain unaffected under general laws. Liabi­lity relating to this applies only after the first moment of the knowledge of a concrete rights viola­tion. When corre­spon­ding legal viola­tions become known, such content will be immedia­tely removed.

Liabi­lity for links
Our offer includes links to external websites of third parties, whose content we do not influence. We can there­fore also not assume liabi­lity for these external websites. For the contents of the linked pages, the respec­tive provider or operator of such pages is respon­sible. The linked pages were checked for any legal irregu­la­ri­ties at the time of creating the link. Illegal contents were not recognizable when the link was created. Constant checking of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without specific evidence indica­ting a legal infrin­ge­ment. When corre­spon­ding legal viola­tions become known, such content will be immedia­tely removed.

The content and work created on these sites by the site opera­tors are subject to German copyright law. Copying, proces­sing, distri­bu­ting and any form of use beyond the limita­tions of the copyright law require the written consent of the respec­tive author or editor. Downloads and copying of this site are only for private, not commer­cial use. As far as the contents of this page are not created by the operator, the copyright of a third party is observed. In parti­cular, third party contents as such will be referenced. Should you still have reason to believe that a copyright viola­tion has occurred, we request notifi­ca­tion of this. When corre­spon­ding legal viola­tions become known, such content will be immedia­tely removed.

Concep­tion and programming

Owner: Simon Miller