Measu­ring technique

QS Compon­ents

The QS Box is a digital measu­re­ment system for the quality assurance of process operations.

The counter­me­a­su­re­ment device can be used for monito­ring and checking as well as adjus­ting or calibra­ting tightening and press-in systems. This flexi­bi­lity enables use of plug-in modules for the most common measu­ring sensors.

This means that each sensor type can be equipped with the right measu­ring module.

QS Center software


The QS Center software forms part of the digital measu­ring system for online measu­re­ment with the QS Box and provides a lot of features.


  • Adjus­table physical measured varia­bles
    y: Torque [Nm / Ncm / ftlb], force [kN / N]
    x: Angle (degrees), distance [mm]
  • Manage­ment, parame­ter­i­sa­tion of measu­ring processes
  • Assign­ment of the tool to be tested to the measu­ring process
  • Storage of the tool designa­tion and sensor designation
  • Parame­ter­i­sa­tion option of the measu­ring process for offline mode and saving the process to CF card
  • Repre­sen­ta­tion of graph curves and results with evalua­tion window
  • Graphic online mode, displaying of graphics during measurement
  • Array of curves for analy­sing the range of variation
  • Statis­tical analysis, statis­tical values and statis­tical histogram
  • Create calibra­tion certi­fi­cate dependently of statis­tical analysis
  • Test functions

QS Plug-in module


The flexi­bi­lity of the QS Box enables use of replaceable plug-in modules for analogue and digital measu­ring signals.

With a suitable measu­ring module, each measu­ring sensor is compa­tible with the QS Box.


  • Slide-in modules for analogue and digital measu­ring signals: DSM-Digital, ±1 mv/V, ±2 mV/V,
    4–20 mA, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±15 V
  • Synchro­ni­sa­tion input for rotational angle and distance check
  • 2 LED status display
  • Sensor inter­face, SYNC interface

The full poten­tial of the QS-Box is reaped with DSM-Digital

  • Insen­si­tive signal transmission
  • Direct status indicator on the measu­ring sensor
  • Automatic recor­ding of sensor data
  • Automatic setting of measu­ring parameters

SCI module


SCI (=Sensor Converter Intel­li­gent) converts analogue signals to digital ones and enables signal trans­mis­sion which is insen­si­tive to interference.

The SCI module is perma­nently connected to the sensor, as the data of the sensor is stored in the integrated parameter memory module.

The connec­tion to the QS Box is estab­lished via the DSM-Digital measu­ring module.


  • Internal analogue / digital converter
  • Illumi­nated ring for status indicator
  • SCI-compa­tible sensor types: 1 mV/V, 2 mV/V, DMS 300 ohm, DMS 1000 ohm, active sensor 5 V output, active sensor 10 V output

We are conver­ting your analogue sensors: Equipped with the SCI module, each existing sensor can be connected to the digital inter­face of the QS-Box.
This opens up all the benefits of the DSM digital measu­re­ment system in a cost-effec­tive manner.
