#Mobile calibra­tion test bench

Precise calibra­tion of hand-held nutrun­ners and
built-in nutrun­ners — maximum flexi­bi­lity with our
mobile test bench!

Our robust calibra­tion test bench offers the perfect solution for the precise testing and calibra­tion of nutrun­ners with a torque up to 500 Nm.

Thanks to its flexible modula­rity, the assembly of DS nutrun­ners as well as third-party tools is effort­less. This test bench offers maximum versa­ti­lity with speci­ally adapted mounting plates for each size and thumb nuts for secure fastening. Tool clamps ensure additional fixation of the nutrunner. The tightening simulator is attached to the base plate. The height can be easily adjusted with the handwheel, depen­ding on the confi­gu­ra­tion of the simulator and the instal­la­tion size of the reference measu­ring sensor.

Our mobile calibra­tion test bench can be easily positioned on the floor, on a workbench, or on a trans­port trolley without the need for time-consuming assembly. The foldable stand ensures additional stabi­lity and enables safe use.

#Measu­ring technique

The QS box digital measu­ring system from DSM offers an effec­tive solution for the calibra­tion of nutrun­ners. The combi­na­tion of QS box, a suitable torque sensor and the MQS software ensures a compre­hen­sive measu­re­ment proce­dure. Each measu­re­ment is carried out on the basis of the infor­ma­tion entered about the measu­ring equip­ment, the nutrunner to be tested and the defined measu­re­ment parame­ters. The software not only conducts measu­re­ments but also serves for displaying the measured values and conduc­ting analyses. This analysis function enables a thorough evalua­tion of the measu­re­ment results in order to identify any devia­tions or trends and take appro­priate action.

With the digital measu­ring system from DSM, you get a reliable solution for calibra­ting nutrun­ners that not only works effici­ently but also ensures a high level of accuracy and control over the measu­ring processes.