First-class products

for tomorrow’s requirements


Cutting-edge techno­logy from Germany

You will find an overview of our range of services below.

Choose between the indivi­dual product offers and receive detailed infor­ma­tion on series, indivi­dual compon­ents, services and much more.

Every­thing at a glance

Scope of service


Tightening techno­logy for assembly processes

Hand-held nutrun­ners and built-in nutrun­ners for manual, automated, and fully automatic assembly processes.


Digital press-in technology

In the field of digital press-in techno­logy, DSM offers the follo­wing series: the QMP series, the SMP series and the XMP series.

MultiPro 3G

Tightening and press-in control system

Control system with digital measu­re­ment signal proces­sing for nutrun­ners and press-in units.


Precise measu­ring technique

The control measu­ring device QS Box is a digital measu­ring system for the quality assurance of process operations.


Working better with DSM handling systems

Low-fatigue work in assembly with the handling stands of the HST series and the handling swivel arms of the HSA series – also with integrated position monitoring.


Useful access­ories

IO Exten­sion for more inputs and outputs, comfor­table connec­tion with the I/O Expander, the tool change box ToolCon­trol or the Linear module for your QA.


Worksta­tions as a complete solution

Cost-effec­tive and techni­cally outstan­ding indivi­dual worksta­tions as complete and special solutions​.


Robot appli­ca­tion

Increase the flexi­bi­lity of assembly and the possible variants in your station.