
Consul­ta­tion from DSM

The earlier we are integrated into a project from DSM, the better. Thanks to well-founded exper­tise, we are well-versed in recog­nising and analy­sing specific needs and requi­re­ments, and consul­ting our custo­mers in a purpo­seful manner.

Appli­ca­tion case, tightening process, safety, tools, torque and rotational angle measu­ring devices, feeding techno­logy, equip­ment of the worksta­tion or system — for perfect results every­thing must be tailored.

This is where our core compe­tences can be found.

Process know-how tightening

Prozess Know-how Schrauben

Radial clearance measu­re­ment | Flexing torque testing | Screw breakage detec­tion | Redun­dant measu­ring circuit | Screw tops | Self-tapping screws | Stop and coupling nuts, micro-encap­su­lated screws | Stick-Slip screw connec­tion | Detec­tion of the head system | Envelope curve monito­ring | Gradient monitoring …

Prozess Know-how Schrauben

Process know-how press-in

Prozess Know-how Fügen

Maintain force / position | Force linea­ri­sa­tion | Distance linea­ri­sa­tion | Friction coeffi­cient deter­mi­na­tion | Diffe­ren­tial force monito­ring | External distance | Envelope curve monito­ring | Redun­dant measured value acqui­si­tion | Clip point detec­tion | Review stroke …

Prozess Know-how Fügen

Automa­tion know-how


DSM is a compe­tent partner for manual workplaces and fully automatic assembly stations. Thanks to our 35 years of experi­ence, we are on hand to provide you with support and advice.

Regard­less of whether it is as a compo­nent supplier or a system supplier, DSM is your reliable partner.
