Work stations

Indivi­dual solutions tailor-made

Work stations

Work stations from DSM

In addition to indivi­dual compon­ents for tightening and press-in technique, DSM also offers complete indivi­dual worksta­tions and conver­sions to existing stations.

With our long-term experi­ence in these fields, you can rely on a cost-effec­tive, excel­lent overall solution, in which all compon­ents are ideally tailored to each other.

The frame construc­tion is made of alumi­nium profiles. All dimen­sions can be indivi­du­ally tailored.

We equip your worksta­tion with the desired DSM products and, if desired, also with compon­ents from other manufacturers.

Personal safety accor­ding to current standards is ensured, for example, by a light curtain, a lockable automatic lifting door and two-hand controls.

DSM Montagestation

DSM assembly station for the automatic screw connec­tion of threaded bushing.

DSM Fügestation

DSM joint station with protected working space for caulking bushing.