Precision techno­logy for assembly processes

On board with our quality

Welcome to DSM

Welcome to DSM

A large propor­tion of all vehicles across the globe are being driven by the DSM brand quality. This is down to the fact that the majority are screwed or pressed with tools from DSM Messtechnik GmbH.

Our customer-tailored, precise tightening, press-in and measu­ring technique enables first-class assembly processes.

As along­side the automo­tive industry, they have made a name for themselves in the aerospace sector, electrical enginee­ring as well as in mecha­nical enginee­ring, DSM products are used in more than 1000 compa­nies in Europe, South America and Asia.


Every­thing at a glance

Scope of service


Tightening techno­logy for assembly processes

Hand-held nutrun­ners and built-in nutrun­ners for manual, automated, and fully automatic assembly processes.


Digital press-in technology

In the field of digital press-in techno­logy, DSM offers the follo­wing series: the QMP series, the SMP series and the XMP series.

MultiPro 3G

Tightening and press-in control system

Control system with digital measu­re­ment signal proces­sing for nutrun­ners and press-in units.


Precise measu­ring technique

The control measu­ring device QS Box is a digital measu­ring system for the quality assurance of process operations.


Working better with DSM handling systems

Low-fatigue work in assembly with the handling stands of the HST series and the handling swivel arms of the HSA series – also with integrated position monitoring.


Useful access­ories

IO Exten­sion for more inputs and outputs, comfor­table connec­tion with the I/O Expander, the tool change box ToolCon­trol or the Linear module for your QA.


Worksta­tions as a complete solution

Cost-effec­tive and techni­cally outstan­ding indivi­dual worksta­tions as complete and special solutions​.


Robot appli­ca­tion

Increase the flexi­bi­lity of assembly and the possible variants in your station.

Precision signed and sealed

The DSM calibra­tion laboratory