Measu­ring technique

Precise and exactly to the point

Measu­ring technique

Flexible and precise measu­re­ment technology

In addition to the control systems for tightening and press-in technique, DSM offers a digital measu­re­ment system for the quality assurance of process operations.

The QS Box counter­me­a­su­re­ment device can be used for monito­ring and checking as well as adjus­ting or calibra­ting tightening and press-in systems.
This flexi­bi­lity enables use of plug-in modules for the most common measu­ring sensors.

The benefit of the modern digital measu­ring system is an inter­fe­rence-free signal trans­mis­sion, the direct status indicator in the immediate vicinity of the measu­ring point as well as an intel­li­gent memory block.

The stored sensor data is automa­ti­cally set upon connec­tion to the QS Box. In the case of repeat calibra­tions, only the sensor is calibrated and not the entire measu­ring chain.


A special highlight is the linear module for quick mounting of the torque trans­ducer for counter­me­a­su­re­ments in the tightening technique.